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Early Bird Access to InteractiveSQL.com

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I am building InteractiveSQL.com to help people master their SQL by having HANDS-ON experience writing SQL queries using interactive tutorials.

This item on Gumroad will provide you an Early Bird Access to all Fundamental courses with 75% OFF.

Once purchased you get access to the website and its tutorials, covering the following topics:

  • Filtering and Sorting. You will learn how to filter the data you need from a table. We will cover the WHERE clause and how it works.
  • String Functions. It is essential to learn CONCAT, TRIM, LEN, SUBSTRING, and other string manipulation functions. You will solve our interactive lessons to learn them all.
  • Date Functions. CURRENT_DATE, DATE_PART, NOW are functions to manipulate date values. You will learn how to use them to display the data you need.
  • Aggregate Functions. Lessons will teach you how to use aggregate functions to summarize data to gain more insights for your reports.
  • Subqueries and Nested Queries. You will learn about subqueries in the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. You will gain an understanding of when subqueries are necessary for your queries.
  • How to JOIN tables. Learn how to select data from multiple tables, and join them to display the reports you need. We will cover INNER, OUTER, LEFT, RIGHT, CROSS joins.
  • Common Table Expression. Learn how to break large queries into smaller ones by using Common Table Expressions (CTEs).
  • Hierarchy and Recursion. Use CTEs to write recursive queries to process trees and graphs in SQL. Learn how to deal with such cases by solving interactive exercises.
  • Analytic Functions. Also known as windowing functions, or OVER functions. We will cover syntax and will show how powerful they are. You will learn how building complex aggregations could be much simpler by using ORDER BY and PARTITION BY.

Coming soon, and included into this bundle:

  • Reporting. Lessons will cover how to create Views and Stored Procedures for reporting needs.
  • Performace. You will learn what an index is, and how to create it for a certain table.
  • DB Structure. You will learn database schemas, normalization, and will use Data Definition Language for that.

I hope this course will help you learn SQL and improve your skills.

Feel free to reach out on Twitter in case of any questions: @sstude

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Early Bird Access to InteractiveSQL.com

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